We made it! After two weeks filled with family and friends, we've settled back into regular life...for a few days. So far, the new year has consisted mainly of us having a blast with our fancy new fridge and spending gift cards like crazy!
We went to see
Children of Men last weekend. It was a great movie! Set in a future where all women are infertile, it showed how life could be in a closed-border, nationalistic, terrorist-filled country. Guess again: it's the UK! Don't worry, their Homeland Security looks just as scary as ours in the movie.
Jen leaves for her 3-month stay in Alabama in a few weeks :-( I can come visit her during her safety training class at Ft. Rucker, but only on the weekend. That's a looong drive for a weekend! If you're around the area (which
nothing is around that area), be sure to give Jen a call! She's sure to get lonely in LA ("Lower Alabama").
As for me, I'll be deep into creating the education program for the
World Space Expo and managing
Sky Fire Lab. Both have picked up steam and are moving fast! Last week I shipped our first order from the online store :-) Hooray for garage-based inventory management!
This weekend we're movin' and shakin' around the house as we get a bunch of little projects done before Jen leaves. We're putting up shelves in closets and putting office stuff back in the office. A bunch of stuff has been living in the guest room as it had to move so my massive desk could come in! You may remember the 6ft. x 7 ft. "L" desk and hutch that was in the Port Orange House. Ok, maybe you don't. In any case, it's a BIG desk. If Sniper hadn't come over to help me figure out how to get it in, I would still have it in the garage (HINT: it's too big to come through the door and too heavy to think about while you're carrying it).
Happy holiday weekend! Jen doesn't work on Monday so neither will I. I love getting all federal holidays off :-)