Friday night a few of us went to Dothan for dinner, had a drink at Beef O'Brady's, then found a new nightclub in "downtown" Dothan. The club would have been cool if there were more people there, but we managed to have a good time. On the way back, we made an unscheduled stop at Adventureland to go go-karting!
Saturday was the end of class party on base at Lake Tholocco. We went expecting to only stay for an hour, but it ended up being much more fun than anticipated. There was way too much food, as always. I spotted some 4-person paddleboats along the shore, so we "borrowed" them and went paddleboating around the lake. After the party, I took a nap, then we headed back to Beef O'Brady's. We had the party room in the back so we could make a ruckus (and have control over the TVs). After a couple hours at Beef's we headed back to Adventureland to mini-golf. I finally found my mini-golf nemesis--Steve. He beat me by 4 points!
Sunday we got up early to drive to Panama City Beach. We had lunch at Pineapple Willy's, then went to the beach at the state park. The water is beautiful there! We barbequed by the boat launch, then headed home a little more toasty then we started. (That's toasty, not toasted.)

Jough, LT, Margaret, Emily, JB (me), Kenny, and Steve in front. (My new nickname is JB :-P )