Sorry for not posting any updates for a week! I was extremely busy being the MC for the program and trying to keep everything on track. The 2005 Space Generation Congress went extremely well, with all of the delegate working groups presenting their projects on Sunday afternoon. We have several great ideas for improving web-based interaction and capabilites to encourage other people or groups to learn more about space exploration. The "Inspire Space" team challenged all 100 participants to return to their high school and give a presentation on space exploration to inspire the next generation of space pioneers. To help, the group will assemble presentations and tips on how to speak to large groups.
Ok, so we also had a lot of FUN! Saturday night was Japanese Cultural Night. I chose to go to a traditional Japanese tea ceremony hosted by our Japanese Event Manager, Yusuke Muraki. HE had been going to classes for six months to learn how to perform the ceremony! It was a great insight into the Japanese culture and a tasty experience. Afterward we went to an outdoor food booth and had famous Hakata Ramen noodles! Trust me, they are much better than anything you will ever find in the grocery store.
Below are some additional pictures of Japan. More are available at the SEDS Gallery.
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