Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Jen's First Post

Here's my first addition to the blog. Let's see how it goes.
We had the home inspection this morning. It lasted almost 3 hours, because the homeowner, Michelle, really can talk! She didn't want anything to be wrong with her house. She had an explanation or a story for everything the inspector found. But we did get to spend more time at the house figuring out where furniture would go, etc. There isn't anything significantly wrong with the house, so it looks like we're still a GO!


Tim said...

I am so proud of my sweetie-pie! Now she's a geeky blogger too :-)

Anonymous said...

Now wonder you kids got hitched.

Anonymous said...

welcome to the, bulltien board/wall of public restroom, that is the blogsphere, (no idea what the term means but it sounds neat)

Anonymous said...

GO Jen, u two really are perfect for eachother =-)
Good luck on the house.