Nose Update: The doc yanked the tubes out of my nose Monday morning and ever since I have had the most amazing experience of
breathing. I cannot remember ever breathing so clear and easy. I'm not taking
Claritin, not sniffing
Afrin, not sticking on nose strips--nothing--and yet I have more air circulating through my body than ever before in my life. To be honest, it's a bit like when I got glasses: I had no idea what I was missing. I understand why people
run. I see how it could be fun to exercise. I probably wouldn't want do die afterwards or anything!
If you have ever been given the option of getting your deviated septum fixed, I recommend it wholeheartedly. I feel great!If you're a bit hesistant because of my former discomfort, take note: I think it was my own fault. See, I was not breathing well (as I was told would happen) with the tubes in my nose so I thought I'd use a tried-and-true remedy:
Breathe Right Nasal Strips. I placed the strips high on my nose to get "above the tubes" [note: the tubes are about 2" long so there is no way I was getting above them]. It hurt after a short while so I took the strips off and went to bed. That's when all of the drama started. Apparently I peeled up the skin and let all kinds of havoc loose in my nose.
Once I realized this, I felt really dumb. The doc thought I was a little wacko too. But I don't really care now, cause I can breathe :-)
* note how I am carefully avoiding the interesting yet gross story about taking the 2" tubes
out of my nose. You're welcome.
Job Update: This was the last day for
FSRI. We shut our doors to make way for the new
Space Florida organization. I guess t's a good thing they
hired a president on Wednesday. He had 48 hours to gather up all the knowledge he needs about space and Florida (he has no experience with either one) before shutting down the exisitng organizations and firing everyone. Well, I guess if you're paid $178,000 your first year, they expect you to be able to learn fast. His
30% performance bonus would well exceed my salary and I'd had several years of experience before I came on board!
I enjoyed the 9 months I was able to spend with the team and I appreciate all of the experience and advice they gave me. It was a dream job like no other working with an all-star cast of dedicated and brialliant people. Many of them are staying around and taking new jobs at
FL Tech. If you're looking for someone that is talented, dedicated, and "good people", look no further than the former FSRI staff list.
As of now, I am officially
self-employed full-time! I'll be going to Spain to manage the S
pace Generation Congress on-site during September and then going out to New Mexico for the
X PRIZE Cup in October. Add on the
SEDS Space Vision Conference in November and a
couple of
conferences in December and I've got a busy schedule! Now I don't intend to kill myself trying to make $178,000/yr, but I am going to make a living. I don't know what that looks like just yet, but that's part of the fun!
Stay tuned! There's always more...