SAIC gave several space advocacy organizations free space in their booth to set up and promote their non-profit space programs. I went to the conference as a representative for Space Gen and Yuri's Night. A special feature of being with SAIC was meeting space atrist Pat Rawlings (known for doing all of the advanced concepts sketches for NASA). They were very generous, as were Nick and Krysta Skytland (who put me up for 2 nights!).
The conference was fun, but I was too busy to get other work done! Now I am up to my ears in meetings and deadlines with a shuttle set to launch on Thursday from the Cape. Jen will be at the Range Operations center while I will be at Space View Park with the NSS chapter. If you haven't reserved a room and still need a place to crash, there are a few couches left for Thursday night.
I enjoyed meeting all of the next wavers that worked our/their booth. I was overwhelmed with their enthusiasm and expertise!
Keep up the great work,
Pat Rawlings
sounds like you had a good time
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