The last week has been a flurry of travel activity! Jen got back from her 4-day class in California on Friday afternoon. Tom & Alice (Jen's mom & step-dad) arrived on Saturday afternoon for a week-long pre-Christmas visit. I left for a World Space Expo business trip to early on Sunday (5am!). No, I wasn't running from my in-laws. In fact, I stayed with Bill & Lynn in Hershey,PA (Jen's dad + step-mom). I love all my in-laws and was happy to see them all in the same week :-)
While I was gone,Tom and Alice visited some Frank Loyd Wright architecture in Lakeland (on the other side of FL)! When I got home, they left to go to Sabastian, FL, for a few days. (Maybe they were avoiding me? ;-) )
When we were all together we had a fun time and had an early Christmas. Tom & Alice gave us an awesome new fridge that matches the stove + microwave we'd already bought. After one false fridge (back to the store with you!) we got the working one in the kitchen and into place. Now we have a new fridge + all new food for it too! What an adventure!
Now we're all on the road again with Jen & I heading to GA and Alice & Tom on their way back to WI. Bill, Lynn, & David are also on their way to GA to have Christmas with my family before we all head down to FL.
WHEW! What a week! And mor to come...