Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Jack goes to the vet (again and again and again...)

We've had little Jack-a-roo over a month now and he is still sneezing up big snot wads and his eye has not opened up all the way. We were told it was a scratch and would go away on its own, but it's not. So we took Jack to the Aventura Animal Hospital (we only know about it because it's next to an Old Navy store).

The vet was amuzed at Jack's constant purring regardless of what they did to him (even when they gave him an anal probe to take his temperature!). She decided Jack has an upper respiratory infection that caused ulcers around his eye--and that's why it swelled up. We got 3 kinds of medicines and were told to come back in a few days.

Fast forward to today. Back at the vet, we find out that he isn't getting better so they are putting him on a fourth medication and upping the frequency of his doses! This wouldn't be so bad, but three of the medicines are anitbiotics that you squirt directly into his eye. If you have never put neosporin-looking stuff in a cat's eye, you are lucky. We now have to do it four times a day times three medicines: twelve times a day we poke the cat in the eye. I'd feel like a horrible parent, but he keeps purring!

The other med is some kind of supplement that comes in a delicious paste. You squirt it on the cat's paw and they lick it up. Simple! And much less dangerous that squirting tuff in it's eye or trying to get it to swallow a pill.

I have no idea why the cat loves us. All we've doe to him since we got him is do mean things like shove pills down his throat or squeeze medicine in his eye!

Side note: since we are going out of town for Brian and Leona's wedding this weekend, we are putting Jack into the "pet resort" at the animal hospital. This way he still gets all of his medications and Azriel gets a break from crazy Jack.

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