Monday, August 29, 2005

Weekend Update

We made it through Katrina just fine--our power stayed on the whole time and we didn't get flooded! Unfortunately, sometime over the weekend our automatic cat water clogged up and quit working. I celaned it out, but I think we burned up the motor. Bummer. But I am glad that is the worst thing to happen to us in a hurricane!

The weather was nice on Sunday so we went to see The Brothers Grimm at the fancy Aventura Mall. It was a nice movie, but not nearly as good at The 40 Year Old Virgin. Jen took me to see it last week and it was hilarious! Definately not a kids movie, but absolutely a must-see.

On Saturday I went to the last workday for my Self-Expression and Leadership Program at Landmark Education. The power was off at the building, so we cut it short. at only 8 hours (instead of 12). With the breeze blowing and my shoes off it was quite bearable! It reminded me of summers before we had central air in GA: I just wanted to go jump in the pool!

Tomorrow Jack Little from Aero Decals is coming so I can teach him how to write HTML and edit his company website. Jack does all of the decals for the inside and outside of the ZERO-G aircraft. He is a cool guy and knows everyone. Seriously, it is spooky sometimes. I am going to ask Jack to be a sponsor for the Space Generation Congress in Japan. We have $50K but need another $10K to really put on a good event for the 130+ delegates from around the world. If anyone else is interested in kicking in a few bucks, please let me know!!

Speaking of teaching, I am looking at starting an online MS in Education. It is fun to teach! Plus, I really want to get back into school and finish my Master's degree. This would let me start now and finish up wherever I go! And there are rumblings that we may be moving in the next four months...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watched Brothers Grimm last weekend and was pleasently surprised. 40yr old virgin is a little to prophetic a title for me to want to watch it :-p

Hope your lookin north, but not to far.